
City Cars

The Advantages of City Cars

The advantages of city cars are many; among these, the reduced price and transportability certainly stand out for the greater interest that is addressed to them.

The price obviously varies from the country in which you decide to buy it: in fact, starting from a base of 10000 USD, if you buy a city-car in the US, at least 10000 USD are needed. The model, of course, has a significant impact on the price; just think that the new models from the East have a cost that varies between 10000 and 15000 Euros and that, in some cases, the cost can reach a maximum of 25000. When such high figures are reached, however, we speak of city segment. Those cars with particular characteristics that make them super-utility vehicles of a higher level.

These prices are obviously indicative and are strongly influenced by the diversity of models and by the various additional options: number of doors, type of fuel, ABS, EBD, radio, satellite navigator, alarm are just some of the examples. Then, in the event that eco-incentives are also brought into play, the cost of the super-utility car can further vary, but this time lowering up to 10000 USD.

The speech just made obviously applies to new cars, if you wanted to turn to used ones, the price would fall up to 5000 USD.

Speaking instead of the handling of the city car, this is given above all by the small size of the car which in length never exceeds 3.70 meters and, in width, oscillates between 1.52 meters and 1.66 meters. Smaller dimensions also mean greater maneuverability and manageability of the vehicle which can be easily driven through traffic or parked in a small place. Precisely for these characteristics, city-cars are particularly suitable for novice drivers who have yet to become familiar with the size of the car.

The advantages regarding consumption are also very visible. To better illustrate the great advantage that a super-utility vehicle represents, we will make a comparison with a classic SUV: while the second covers a distance of, at most, 8.1 kilometers with a liter of petrol; the city car is able to cover no less than 29. Although extreme data have been taken, not average values, the difference is still considerable and goes clearly in favor of the super-utility vehicle.

As far as pollution is concerned, city-cars are divided into categories ranging from B to E and, in rarer cases, category F superutilitaries can also be found. Attention therefore, since the pollution levels, even if speaks of a city car, they are not necessarily inferior to those of other cars, but they vary according to the model and year of manufacture.

The car with small dimensions allow it to carry large packages or to be able to carry a certain number of people; just think that some of these city cars are practically without a trunk and have enough space for, at most, 4 people (driver included). Grocery shopping, picking up the children from school, loading large luggage, perhaps to go on a trip, so these are all operations that, we can define absolutely possible, we can at least say easy.

The Disadvantages of City Cars

As with any car, city cars also have disadvantages which, in some cases, are not to be underestimated. Often, these disadvantages represent the negative side of what we previously mentioned as advantages such as, for example, the small size.

Another possible weak point of city-cars, especially old-fashioned ones, is the perhaps a little old look. In recent years, however, design has also evolved, conquering an ever-increasing audience and also attracting the attention of many young people. The aesthetic shape of the city-cars remains, however, fundamentally elegant, with a discreet appearance and shapes that recall the original models. The options that gradually, over time, have been added, then have practically canceled the old appearance of the interior, modernizing it and, at times, reinventing it. If you prefer car that is more luxurious with the top off and have more speed, this car may suit you more which is cabriolet car.

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