
Getting To Know About Automotive SEO Marketing

This tutorial is called automotive SEO marketing. Because even if you have not got the slightest clue what SEO is, you will have action items.

So what is SEO? SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of optimizing your website and webpages to get free organic traffic from search engines like Google.

So your job is going to be two-fold. Number 1, we need to make sure that it is easy for search engines to understand what your page is about. Then create that content that matches what we call, “the searcher’s intent,” right?

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And number 2, we need to show Google and other search engines that it’s ‘worthy’ of ranking.

In the world of automotive search engine optimization marketing, this is called “on-page SEO.” We know which keywords that people are searching for in Google. That gives us clues on the language we use to let both Google and potential customers what is about.

For example, “US automotive part shop” is a more popular search query than “automotive part shop in US”. That will help us make smarter copywriting decisions. So for your homepage content, you might want to say, “Hi I’m Sam, a US automotive part shop”. Not “Howdy, I’m Sam and I sell automotive parts in the US.” But I do need to make two things very clear: First, you do not have to use your exact match keyword.

And second, it is very important to note that you should not try to trick Google by using keywords where they do not belong. Your first priority should be to optimize for people because the last time I checked, robots are not going to pay you for your services.

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Here’s an example of what you shouldn’t do: “I’m a US automotive part shop that sell automotive part for your US vehicles.” This is known as keyword stuffing and long story short, it does more harm than good. So key takeaway? Don’t do it. So for on-page SEO, I want to pass on 4 very basic, but important tips that you can use on every page you optimize.

First is to optimize your title tags and meta descriptions. The top part is called your title tag and the other part is the meta description. Then for the meta description, you can explain in a couple brief sentences what the page is about.

The last part of on-page optimization is the most important and that’s the actual content on the page. For automotive part shop home page, I have some images, about us or about me, the services, and testimonials. And remember, your job is to help Google best identify your page as being relevant to the user’s search query. You want to keep these in mind and sprinkle them in where it makes sense and reads naturally to visitors.

The last thing you should do is to include your primary keyword phrase in the URL of the page. So in this case, I would change it to automotive-repair-US.

The next part and arguably most important piece of ranking high on Google is off-page SEO. Off-page SEO often refers to link building. And link building is the process of getting other websites to link to your web pages.

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In general, the more quality backlinks you can get from relevant pages, the higher you will rank in Google. A place like a forum where virtually anyone can place a link will likely hold less value. Other types of links will still hold some kind of value, but probably not as much as links like editorials would. So if you’re focusing on quality, then you’ll probably want to prioritize editorial links. That is for automotive seo marketing.

You can just pay sincerely. If you need automotive guest post, backlink, link placement, content placement, please contact us on this website email address.

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