
What is The Fastest Tesla from Top Speed, Acceleration and Horsepower?

What is the fastest Tesla? When you like racing, you must be wondering about it. All cars to compare are Tesla model X Plaid, model 3 Performance, model S Plaid and the latest is Tesla Roadster. This is every Tesla that Tesla has ever made. The model S, the model X, the model 3 and latest model, Roadster. A lot of people forget about that original roadster. The Model S Plaid, Model 3 and the Model X Plaid, these are all performance models. We knew that the model S was the fastest. But we know that the latest Roadster that has been introduced and that will the fastest and claimed to be the fastest in the world.

what is the fastest tesla

If you want to know about whats the fastest Tesla, we will compare the speed, top speed and the acceleration. Firstly, it is the latest Tesla roadster. Everyone already knew it. You can accelerate from 0-60 mph in less than 2 seconds which is 1.9 second with this car. From 0-100 mph, it is only 4.2 second. For 1/4 mile, it only need 4.4 second. Its Roadster style, this also has maximum aerodynamic, and maximum performance setting. You can reach the maximum speed at 162 mph with Roadster. The top speed is over 250 mph. This car machine can generate about 1242 horsepower. The price of it is 200 thousand. So this is the fastest Tesla 0-60 as well.

Secondly, it is Tesla model S plaid. This can reach from 0-60 mph in about only 1.99 seconds. The top speed is 200 mph which it could be achieved with only 17 seconds. The maximum horsepower is more than 1000 which is 1020 horsepower. Thirdly, the model X Plaid, it can go from 0-60 mph with just 2.5 seconds with the top speed at 163 mph. This speed was generated from 1020 horsepower 3 motor AWD. It is like SUV car. Fourth, the Model 3, it needs 3.1 seconds to go from 0-60 mph.

You can see that all the performance Tesla cars are very fast. It can be a lot of fun when you have it. But still, it can be understood that you want fastest Tesla model. It is Tesla roadster and Model S Plaid. It accelerate from 0-60 mph within only less than 2 seconds. This is interested that the two score almost the same speed and acceleration.

Moreover, the Tesla roadster has been revamped for the look of the latest model. It look more aerodynamic, futuristic and agile. The fresh look of this car seems to have improved a lot because the look of the first generation of it was not as good as this. But this roadster car also has back seat which means it can hold 2 more passengers in the back besides two in the front.

So which one you want to drive or buy for your self? If you have a baby, it may not be good to drive in fast speed. But you can drive it in the track or in the speed way. This writing is about fastest Tesla cars.

And about Tesla roadster SpaceX package, it can accelerate from 0-60 mph within just about 1.1 seconds.

The Tesla Model Y is the best-selling car in 2024.

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